In the wake of last week’s news about cross infection at a Tulsa, Oklahoma dentist’s office, has published some tips online to see how your dentist handles the issue of infection control procedures. Watch the Gloves: Gloves should be changed in between patients. Dentists should only touch sterile instruments…
Pennsylvania Injury Attorneys Blog
Frozen Foods Recalled Due to Possible Link to E. coli Contamination
On Friday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that 24 cases of E. coli O121 have been reported in 15 states, including Pennsylvania, with one case linked to the Farm Rich brand of frozen foods. Although no deaths have occurred, one third of the cases have required…
New Warnings for Those Taking Zithromax
Last week the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to doctors and patients regarding the antibiotic Zithromax. The popular medicine can cause rare but deadly heart rhythms in some patients. The drug is produced by Pfizer and is commonly used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, and other infections. It is…
Recent Accidents Highlight Need for Teen Safety When Driving
Two tragic car accidents that happened on Sunday in Ohio and Texas that took the lives of 11 teenagers have brought heartache and grief to the families, friends, and classmates of those involved. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families whose sons and daughters had their lives…
Texting While Driving Ban Shows Progress in PA
A year after it was implemented here in Pennsylvania, the texting while driving ban seems to be taking effect. Preliminary data from the state Department of Transportation shows that crashes involving drivers with phones is decreasing. Officials say that for most people, just knowing the law is in place might…
Subaru Recalls Nearly 50,000 Cars
This week, Subaru recalled 47,419 of its Legacy, Outback, Impreza, and models because they could start themselves without human intervention. An article on reports that if the key fob with remove engine start is dropped, it could malfunction and send a message to the engine to start on its…
Scam Alert Regarding Your Electric Provider
We’ve been hearing reports of Schuylkill County residents receiving calls from scam artists pretending to be employees of their local electric utility provider. In some cases, the caller is asking for personal information, account information, and money. In other cases, the caller is threatening to have electric service to a…
Passengers Aboard Stricken Carnival Cruise Ship Could Have a Legal Case
As we watched the stricken Carnival Cruise ship tugged to shore this week, and heard stories of sewage spilled into rooms and halls, we couldn’t help but think of what lawsuits might come about from this disaster. According to an article on, Carnival’s ticket contract says that the cruise…
The Dangers of Medical Recovery Rooms
Philadelphia news station WPVI published a startling investigative report last week about the dangers of medical recovery rooms. The story begins in March of last year, when a female high school student went to a surgical center for a routine outpatient tonsillectomy. After initially being told that her daughter’s surgery…
O’Connor Law Support the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign
On Fri., Feb. 1, the attorneys and staff of O’Connor Law donned red sweaters, shirts, and scarves in honor of National Wear Red Day to raise awareness of heart disease, the leading killer of women. National Wear Red Day was started 10 years ago by the American Heart Association (AHA),…