
Pennsylvania Injury Attorneys Blog


Voluntary Recall Issued for Children’s Over the Counter Medicines

McNeil Consumer Healthcare issed a voluntary recall of the following over the counter products because they don’t meet quality standards: Tylenol Infants’ Drops, Children’s Tylenol Suspensions, Children’s Tylenol Plus Suspensions, Motrin Infant Drops, Children’s Motril Suspensions, Children’s Zyrtec Liquids in Bottles, and Children’s Benadryl Allergy Liquids in Bottles. In a…


Deadline Today to Vote in Pennsylvania’s May Primary

Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell is reminding residents that today is the deadline to register to vote in Pennsylvania’s May 18 primary election. In the primary, voters cast ballots for candidates for a variety of offices, including governor, lieutenant governor, state senator and representative, and U.S. senator and U.S. representative.…


Experts Warn Some Antiseizure Drugs Can Cause High Risk of Suicide

An article on recently reported that some antiseizure drugs used to treat epilepsy, depression, chronic pain, migraine, bipolar disorder, and other conditions have a higher risk of suicide and violent death than other drugs in the same class. The article lists the anticonvulsants drugs in question as gabapentin (Neurontin),…

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