A truck tire and a portion of the wheel assembly broke loose from a tractor-trailer on I-75 in Ohio Monday morning, smashing into a mini-van, killing the driver. Witnesses say they were shocked to see the tire bouncing dozens of feet into the air before striking the driver side of the mini-van. The tire came off a truck going northbound and could have been traveling at upwards of 70 miles per hour. The tire then crossed the median and went across several lanes, nearly missing at least 2 other cars. Traffic cameras in the area have provided police with footage of the accident. According to police, he didn’t realize he lost a tire until he was miles away. Although the rear of the truck was smoking, police are still trying to determine if the driver should have known that he lost a tire. Central Pennsylvania is a major thoroughfare, providing quick routes for many of the country’s trucking companies and transportation lines. If you have been involved in an accident with a tractor trailer and have been injured, you may entitled to compensation. Contact the truck accident attorneys at O’Connor Law for a free review of your case.